Aluminium's strength, weight and versatality makes it an ideal building and cladding material. Its resistance to corrosion means it is virtually maintanance free.
All kinds of aluminium products are used in new home constructions and in residential renovation : Galzzings, Cladding, Windows, Skylights, Weather proofing, Doors, Screens, Gutters, Down Spots, Hardware, Canopies and Shingles etc.
High Aluminium content vehicles can be up to 50% lighter that the conventional vehicles. The consequent fuel savings over the life time of a vehicle far more than repay the initial investment in energy to make the primary aluminium.
Ligher cars, trucks, buses and trains means less fuel consumption and emisssion, Less wear and tear on roads and tracks.
Aluminium extrusions have Long standing acceptance as a structural and decorative material in the furniture industry like modular furniture, office partitions, cabins, table and advertising display boards etc.
New technologies like solar power captors can be inserted in aluminium frames, thus saving considerable amount of energy and protecting the environment.
Aluminium's high conductivity makes it an excellent material for electrical panels.